Welcome to the Healthy Mind, Healthy Life podcast, your guide to wellness and vitality! 🌱
March 27, 2024

Thriving in the ElderGarten: Cultivating a Healthy Mind and Life Beyond Retirement

Thriving in the ElderGarten: Cultivating a Healthy Mind and Life Beyond Retirement

Welcome to another enlightening episode of "Healthy Mind Healthy Life" with your host Avik. In this episode, we had the privilege of delving into the transformative journey towards elderhood with the insightful Dr. Sally Z.
Dr. Sally, a trailblazer i...

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Healthy Mind, Healthy Life

Welcome to another enlightening episode of "Healthy Mind Healthy Life" with your host Avik. In this episode, we had the privilege of delving into the transformative journey towards elderhood with the insightful Dr. Sally Z (thriving-in-eldergarten).

Dr. Sally, a trailblazer in aging and soulful living, shared her profound insights into the concept of elderhood, emphasizing that aging is a privilege, but becoming an elder is an intentional decision. At the age of 70, Dr. Sally embarked on a journey to intentionally cultivate wisdom and resilience, recognizing the crucial role of elders in today's society.

The conversation explored the essence of elderhood, which transcends mere age and is rooted in authenticity and integrity. Dr. Sally emphasized the importance of connecting soul and role, stating that this integration is essential for a healthy mind and a fulfilling life.

Drawing from her extensive travels and experiences across cultures, Dr. Sally highlighted the diverse perspectives on elderhood, particularly noting the reverence for elders in cultures like Bali. She underscored the need to reclaim the wisdom of elders and reconnect with nature to achieve wholeness.

Throughout the discussion, Dr. Sally shared personal anecdotes, including her experience with creating a fairy garden in the aftermath of a hurricane, emphasizing the importance of play and hope in the journey towards elderhood.

As the episode concluded, Dr. Sally left listeners with a powerful message of hope, urging them to believe in the cracks where the light gets in and to embrace the journey towards elderhood with resilience, purpose, and compassion.

Listeners were invited to reflect on the profound insights shared and consider how they can apply them to their own lives, whether they are embarking on their own journey towards elderhood or seeking to cultivate a healthier mind and life beyond retirement.

Join us in embracing the Elder Garden within and thriving in every season of life. Until next time, may you continue to nurture your mind, body, and soul on the path to holistic well-being. Thank you for tuning in.

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We are dedicated to exploring the various aspects of mental well-being and its impact on our lives. This is the best mental health podcast and we hope you found this episode informative and inspiring.Remember, taking care of your mental health is crucial for living a balanced and fulfilling life. If you enjoyed this episode and want to stay connected, here's how you can engage with us:

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Remember, your mental health matters, and we're here to support you on your journey toward a healthy mind and healthy life. 

Thank you again for tuning in, and we'll see you in the next episode!



Avik Chakraborty

Founder | Author | Podcaster | Creator | Techie- Healthy Mind,Healthy Life













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Sally Z. hare Profile Photo

Sally Z. hare

TEacher-learner, author

In this time when we have more old people on the planet than ever before – but fewer Elders, Dr. Sally Z. Hare wants to connect soul and role as Elder – and encourage others to do the same. She understands now that Elder is not about being old – but rather about a life of integrity and wholeness and meaning. As she has discovered that she should have begun that work long before her seventh decade, she is reaching out to others of all ages who resonate with the idea of becoming an Elder as the journey of a lifetime. Sally is a lifelong teacher and learner, feminist and activist, and a passionate steward of the planet. She has worked with Parker J. Palmer for more than 30 years and credits Parker with being part of the reason she loves her life. The other reasons are her husband Jim and her dog Hope and her ocean and being a reader. She is the Coastal Carolina University Singleton Distinguished Professor Emerita and president of still learning, inc. She served for more than a decade as Dean of the Graduate School at Coastal. With a Ph. D. from the University of South Carolina Sally is Singleton Professor Emerita and a student of community. That was highlighted for her during a three-year Kellogg National Fellowship in the early 1990’s which gave her the opportunity to explore the concept of community across cultures and countries, including Bali, Greece, Ireland, Australia, New Zealand, Mexico, Senegal, Benin, and much of the United States and Canada. Now, coming full circle, she recently served as advisor to the most recent Kellogg National Fellows.