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June 11, 2024

Bioenergetic Release: Clearing Your Reticular Activating System, Building Confidence, and Breaking Generational Patterns

Bioenergetic Release: Clearing Your Reticular Activating System, Building Confidence, and Breaking Generational Patterns

In this episode of “Healthy Mind, Healthy Life”, the host Avik is joined by Dr. Cindy Stark, an award-winning author, doctor, entrepreneur, and mentor. The episode begins with some technical difficulties as Dr. Cindy struggles to find the Zoom link f...

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Healthy Mind, Healthy Life

In this episode of “Healthy Mind, Healthy Life”, the host Avik is joined by Dr. Cindy Stark, an award-winning author, doctor, entrepreneur, and mentor. The episode begins with some technical difficulties as Dr. Cindy struggles to find the Zoom link for the podcast recording. After resolving the issue, they dive into the main topic of discussion - bioenergy, clearing the reticular activating system, building confidence, and breaking generational patterns.

Dr. Cindy shares her personal journey of starting an online coaching business while being a full-time doctor. She talks about how she was unable to make progress until she underwent a bioenergetic release trauma healing program. This program, which involves meditative practices and journaling, helped her overcome subconscious barriers and enroll five clients the following year.

She emphasizes the importance of confidence in achieving personal success and well-being, stating that without belief in one’s abilities, it’s challenging to take the necessary steps towards a goal. Dr. Cindy also discusses the significance of surrounding oneself with like-minded individuals to break free from generational patterns and carve a unique path.

The episode also delves into the concept of bioenergetic release. Dr. Cindy explains that it involves confronting and releasing negative emotions associated with past experiences. This process, she says, can lead to a ‘reboot’ or ‘factory reset’, enabling individuals to see possibilities without limitations.

For those new to these concepts, Dr. Cindy recommends starting with quiet moments of self-reflection and journaling to identify personal desires and potential obstacles. She also suggests joining communities of people who are achieving big dreams, such as her Facebook group “Reclaim Your Health and Life”.

Towards the end of the episode, Dr. Cindy highlights the common challenge people face when trying to break generational patterns - relying solely on the conscious mind. She explains that the conscious mind only utilizes 4 to 6% of our brain’s capacity, and to truly achieve change, one must tap into the subconscious mind.

The episode concludes with Dr. Cindy sharing her contact information for listeners who wish to learn more about her work and the techniques she discussed. Overall, this episode provides valuable insights into overcoming personal barriers and achieving mental clarity and focus.

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We are dedicated to exploring the various aspects of mental well-being and its impact on our lives. This is the best mental health podcast and we hope you found this episode informative and inspiring.Remember, taking care of your mental health is crucial for living a balanced and fulfilling life. If you enjoyed this episode and want to stay connected, here's how you can engage with us:

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Remember, your mental health matters, and we're here to support you on your journey toward a healthy mind and healthy life. 

Thank you again for tuning in, and we'll see you in the next episode!



Avik Chakraborty

Founder | Author | Podcaster | Creator | Techie- Healthy Mind,Healthy Life













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